This is Ah Seng, one of the co-leaders and the secondary photographer for Amazing Team IX. Before our luffable Li Siam starts to blog our journey into the Sichuan world, I would just like to add on this entry from a personal view.
We started off this project in July09 with the intention in mind to aid the victims of the 512 earthquake. In between, there were a few mis-communication with our China volunteers counterpart that sometimes dishearted our actions. But we perserve on. Putting administrative and political issues aside, I believe no matter how hard the journey is, as long as we come with a good intention, volunteers will somehow work together for a common cause.
Despite being through a few winters in my life, the weather was harsh on us. It was amazingly COLD!!! Garangly, we all try to keep ourselves alive with tons of thermal clothings, gloves, heat packs, hot drinks. Everyday, it was either cold, very cold, or very very cold!
The kids were lovable, the teachers were extremely helpful, and our China volunteers did all they can to assist us in our project and making ourselves at home. The Chinese keep on saying this: "虽然气候是如此地寒冷,可是我们的心是赤热的!"
We had piece out a team so efficient, so crazy, so united, that I can't help by toasting them with a 3元 雪花啤酒 each.. haa.... Every single one of them had contributed to the project in their own unique ways, well done. GOOD JOB.
Mural paintings, floor layering, wall plastering, washing, brooming, manual labour, arranging books, library-ing, teaching, kacang-putih-ing, playing, sharing, facilitating, eating, eating, eating, drinking beer and alcohol, laughing, firework-ing, bridging, in-between-ing, all that we did and more.
Thank you.

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